Staying Healthy During This Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us! While many of us love the holiday cheer that this next month can bring, they can also bring up feelings of anxiety, especially when it comes to fitness. Not to mention we are still in the middle of a pandemic. While there won’t be any of the holiday parties or large family gatherings, it can still almost seem impossible to find time to go to the gym. Even if you do find time, you’re so tired that working out is the last thing that you want to do. Not only are we extremely busy, but the holidays are a time that is surrounded by food and unfortunately that food is not the healthiest. For many of us, realizing that we’re going to be surrounded by unhealthy food and may not have time to hit the gym can be a daunting thought. However, there are things that you can do to avoid packing on the extra pounds during the holidays. In this blog post we will be discussing some easy ways that you can continue to stay on track with your goals this holiday season. Keep reading to learn more! 

Set A Realistic Routine 

It’s no doubt that the holiday season is one of the busiest seasons for everyone, pandemic or not. Everything from the holiday get-togethers, Christmas present shopping, and visiting family can put your normal routine into a frenzy. With all of the extra activities, even sticking to your normal day-to-day routine can be exhausting, which is why it’s important to set a realistic routine or schedule for yourself when it comes to fitness. Before you go into the holiday season, realize that hitting the gym five to six days a week may not be realistic for you and that’s okay! It’s easy for us to put stress on ourselves but it’s also important to embrace the holidays and enjoy everything that they bring. Setting a realistic routine for you will also help you stay on track and not feel down when you go to see your family, in-person or virtually, when you would normally be going to the gym. Having a routine may also help you push harder when you are there since you know you won’t be there as often. 

Eat Before You Go Out 

The holidays are notoriously surrounded by incredible food that is extremely delicious but unfortunately, it’s not the healthiest. Most of this food tends to be served at family gatherings and holiday parties, while there won’t be many of those this year, you can still be surrounded by food. If you know that you’re going to be attending a family dinner or even running to the store, we recommend that you eat beforehand. Now this doesn’t mean that you need to eat a full meal but having a healthy snack before you go can keep you from overeating at the get-together or from overindulging in the holiday snacks at the grocery store. This can also help you save money from running to a fast food restaurant because you’re starving and don’t have the energy to cook. If you are eating before, make sure that the snack your choosing is high in protein. These snacks can be something easy like a protein bar, protein shake, a handful of almonds, or even a piece of fruit. Try keeping a protein bar or healthy snack in your bag or in your car so you’re not tempted by that bag of chips in the check out line.

If you’re short on notice and don’t have time to whip up something quick, you can try drinking a full glass of water before you go in. Sometimes our brains confuse the signals of thirst for hunger and vice versa. Making sure that you’re fully hydrated helps you from overindulging and benefits your body in many other ways! 

Drink Your Water

This should be something that you’re doing all the time, not just during the holiday season. But, keeping your body hydrated in a season that is surrounded by food and potential travel is of the utmost importance. If you are traveling, it takes a toll on your body, especially when it comes to hydration. Whether you’re traveling by car or plane, make sure to bring a water bottle with you and drink up. Your body needs water to function properly so make sure to give it that TLC that it deserves. It’s also a great way to combat against sickness, which is great for 2020!

Avoid Drinking Your Calories 

Not only is there a heavy emphasis on food but there’s a heavy emphasis on drinking too. Whether these drinks are alcoholic or not, these drinks tend to be filled with sugar, cream, and other heavy substances that can add up quickly. Liquid calories are just as real as calories that are consumed from food. Try and stick to one drink or alternate your drinks with water in between. Remember to pace yourself too!

Schedule A Workout 

A great way to make sure that you’re hitting your workouts and hitting them hard, is to schedule a workout class, personal training session, or physical therapy session. When you actually schedule something into your day that also has others relying on you to show up, you’re much more likely to follow through. Many times these classes and training sessions even have cancelation fees or “no-show fees” which are also great incentives to not miss a workout, especially with gyms having limited capacities right now. Having those extra things push you into going will not only help you stay on top of your fitness goals but it will keep you consistent, which is a huge part of any health journey. Scheduling it can also make sure that you’re getting out of the house in a healthy way. Take a break and do something for yourself this season.

Be Kind

Lastly, remember to be kind to yourself. It’s easy to beat yourself up about missing a workout or not making the healthiest choices when it comes to what we eat. It’s okay to not be perfect. Often we set our expectations so high that we inevitably feel like we could have done more but, in reality, we’re doing our best already. It’s also important that you enjoy the holiday season too. It’s okay to skip a workout to go see your family. It’s also okay to enjoy the food that’s served. The holidays only come around once a year and you should embrace them. So if these next few months aren’t your best when it comes to hitting the gym or eating healthy, it’s okay. The holidays will end and you’ll be able to get back on the wagon and keep crushing it. 

Maintain Any Health Related Appointments

Even if you aren’t out and about as much this holiday season, between work and your usual life, you’re still going to be very busy. It can be tempting to push off any health-related appointments to a later date, but in reality, it can be dangerous for your health. Ignoring your health and wellness, especially if you’re recovering from a past injury, can prevent you from healing properly. Make sure that you’re prioritizing yourself this season by maintaining your regular visits to your physical therapist, massage therapist, and more! 

We’re proud to say that our doors are currently open and we’re accepting new patients. Whether you’re looking to focus on your health and wellness through massage therapy, needing sports medicine care, or wanting to shed a few of those pesky quarantine pounds we’ve all gained, we’re here for you. Get in touch with our expert doctors and specialists and start your path to a healthier lifestyle. You can either schedule an appointment at either our Lakeville or Egan location online or by calling us directly. If you have questions about any of our COVID-19 procedures or what we’re doing to help keep you safe, we’re more than happy to discuss it with you! From all of us at Life Wellness Center, we wish you a Happy Holiday Season!