The Top New Year’s Resolutions for 2021

The New Year is finally here! It seems as if it were just the start of 2020 and to be honest, we cannot believe how fast the year has flown! While we’re still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is so much new hope with the start of 2021. With the new year just around the corner, it’s time to find your new year’s resolution. Instead of choosing the typical and broad resolution of going to the gym more often (which is still fine if that is yours), choose a resolution that pinpoints specific changes that are personalized to you and what you want! You may even find that these resolutions are easier to follow through with and actually implement into your life! In this blog post, we will be discussing some of our favorite resolutions that we will for sure be implementing in the new year. Keep reading to learn more! 

Going to the Gym to be Healthy, Not Skinny

Now, we just mentioned the resolution of going to the gym more often, however, we want to mention it for different reasons. The number one reason that people make going to the gym their resolution is due to all of the holiday eating that takes place November through December. Instead of making it your goal to drop the holiday weight that you may have gained and obsessing over the number on the scale, make your overall health the priority. When it comes to losing weight in the new year, many people try to follow strict and restrictive exercise plans and diets that only lead to them burning out and gaining that weight back at a later time. Instead of pushing yourself to follow strict rules that may not be realistic, make your new year’s goal something that you can sustain for a longer period of time. Go to the gym to be healthy, not just skinny. Prioritizing your physical health when it comes to fitness will get you much farther than having the goal of losing a couple of pounds. It’s also much better for your mental health too, which is an incredible added bonus. This year try to focus on prioritizing how you feel, not just how you look, as the rest will follow, and you’ll probably be able to sustain this goal longer! Life Wellness even offers weight loss services that are customized to you and your needs.

Do More Acts of Kindness 

Kindness will never go out of style no matter what year it is. Many of us tend to get caught in our own lives and can become highly focused on what we want and what we are going. While it’s important to be self-aware, this next year make it a point to do more acts of kindness. These can be anything and don’t have to always be extravagant. An act of kindness can be something as simple as sharing a genuine compliment to a coworker or even holding the elevator door open for the person behind you. Many people equate acts of kindness to buying someone’s lunch or gift-giving, but they don’t always have to be surrounded by money. Kindness is always free and can go farther than any amount of money! This kindness also applies to yourself. Be kind to yourself and others this next year; you may be surprised to see just how far it can go! 

Travel Somewhere You’ve Never Gone 

A lot of us say that we want to travel more in the new year, especially given the past year we’ve had. Travel somewhere that you’ve never been this year! Open yourself up to new experiences, foods, and cultures that you’ve never experienced before. Put yourself in a new environment, and step out of your comfort zone, safely of course! Traveling gives you so many life lessons and teaches you a ton about yourself. You may find that you’ve learned more about yourself when you’re traveling than any other time. If you’re not one to travel by yourself, get a friend to join you! Find a place that neither of you have been before, and make it a priority that you go there. 

Many people view traveling to be expensive, but it can actually be pretty affordable if you do it right. Keep an eye on flight prices or use apps like Hopper to compare rates to make sure you’re getting the best deal. Share a bag so it eliminates checked bag costs and other airline fees. Airbnb or other home hosting applications can be much cheaper than hotel costs and often come with a full kitchen so you don’t have to eat out for every meal. Many travel destinations are offering special deals and promotions to try and get travelers back too!

Get Off Your Phone 

We’re all guilty of this, but a resolution that we’re all trying to implement this year is to get off our phones and become more present in the moment! It’s become a habit for us to whip out our phones and try and capture specific moments whenever we’re out with friends or in a new place, and while that is fine, don’t let it consume you. It’s great to document memories and have them to look back at, but too many times we’re way too worried about getting the right shot that we forget to actually enjoy where we are and who we’re with. 

Being on your phone too much can also create unhealthy boundaries with work and other relationships. Take a break, and separate yourself from these things and be present with the person that you’re with. Even doing something as simple as placing your phone on “do not disturb” or silent, can help you not get distracted by incoming notifications. Social media and cell phones are incredible, and we love them, but it’s also important to understand that they’re not everything. 

Stop Buying Unnecessary Things 

No matter how budget savvy you think you are we can all benefit from the resolution to stop buying unnecessary things. Thanks to advertising, we’ve all fallen into the trap that makes us feel like we need something in that instant, and whether that means we go out and purchase it or buy it online, the truth is we didn’t need it. Most of us have everything that we need to live a great life and don’t need that extra pair of shoes or trendy t-shirt. Instead of spending your hard earned money on unnecessary things, save it, and spend it towards something that you actually do need. That extra money can go towards rent, paying off previous credit cards, and anything else that you have to spend money on. 

Donate Unused Things 

Just like we mentioned above, we all have the tendency to buy things that we don’t need. Some of these things just end up sitting on the shelf or in our closets and collecting dust. Instead of wasting that space with unused items, clean out your spaces, and donate everything that is still good! Donating unused items is much more ecologically friendly than throwing them out, and if they’re still good, someone else can use them. You may even be able to make a buck or two off  some of these items by selling them online or in consignment stores. So, it really does pay to get rid of things! 

Prioritize Yourself

It’s easy to get wrapped up in things. Whether these aspects of your life be work, a relationship, or just the normal daily routine you have, make sure that you’re taking care of yourself. Self care is far more than just lighting a candle and taking a bubble bath. While those are great things, self care can be difficult. Your mental health is extremely important, and many times your physical health and mental health can go hand in hand. Specifically, we at Life Wellness Center want to help you live a healthier lifestyle. No matter if this is through the forms of physical therapy, massage therapy, sports rehabilitation or weight loss, we have so many things that can help you prioritize yourself this new year.  

Prioritize yourself this new year, and make Life Wellness a part of your 2021. We’re proud to say that our doors are currently open, and we’re accepting new patients. Whether you’re looking to focus on your health and wellness through massage therapy, needing sports medicine care, or wanting to shed a few of those pesky quarantine pounds some have gained, we’re here for you. Get in touch with our expert doctors and specialists and start your path to a healthier lifestyle. You can either schedule an appointment at either our Lakeville or Egan location online or by calling us directly. If you have questions about any of our COVID-19 procedures or what we’re doing to help keep you safe, we’re more than happy to discuss it with you! From all of us at Life Wellness Center, we wish you a Happy New Year!